The Power of Saying No: Building Effective Boundaries in Everyday Life
Boundaries are a way of defining the way in which you want to be treated in relation to others. They specify the behaviors you find acceptable and the ones you do not.
Setting healthy personal boundaries is an essential life skill that establishes a limit on behaviors you would not tolerate and helps ensure your needs are met while honoring the needs of others.

Importance of boundaries
Boundaries are about prioritizing yourself. By setting boundaries, you are respecting your time and energy and choosing to invest them wisely. Here are some of the benefits of setting effective boundaries:
Ultimately, boundaries are crucial for building satisfying and trusting relationships while maintaining personal integrity.
However, setting boundaries that actually work can be challenging. Often, the fear of conflict and people pleasing can hinder successful boundary-setting. To avoid disagreements, we sometimes tolerate behavior that exceeds our comfort levels. However, establishing boundaries is neither selfish nor rude. It's about valuing what brings you happiness and communicating that to others as well as creating the space and time to work toward your career and life goals.
How to create effective boundaries
Setting personal boundaries begins with understanding your limits and learning to say ‘No’ without feeling guilty or ashamed.