Understanding Burnout: Signs, Symptoms, and Solutions
Sasha, a marketing manager at a large corporation, began feeling overwhelmed by her responsibilities. She was juggling multiple campaigns, attending countless meetings, and working late into the night to meet tight deadlines. Despite her dedication, she felt underappreciated and noticed her enthusiasm for the job fading. Sasha started experiencing chronic exhaustion, began dreading going to work, and found herself becoming irritable with her colleagues. Eventually, her productivity declined, and she struggled to concentrate on tasks she once enjoyed.
Have you ever experienced something similar? This is a classic example of burnout.
Burnout is a state of persistent physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion, often caused by prolonged stress or frustration. It may stem from a series of minor stressors over time or significant life changes, such as moving homes, losing a job, or going through a breakup. Burnout negatively impacts daily life by draining energy levels and diminishing the motivation to complete everyday tasks. Each person’s experience with burnout is unique, but the common thread is a feeling of overwhelming stress and exhaustion that impacts their ability to function effectively.
Warning signs of Burnout
Burnout can manifest itself in various ways.
1) Physical symptoms
2) Emotional Symptoms
3) Behavioural Symptoms
Strategies to prevent Burnout
Recovery begins by admitting that you have a problem. Once addressed, the following measures can be taken to combat burnout: